Advantages of being a Whips member...
Enjoy driving horses with congenial, like-minded people.
Participate in events that are organized throughout the State. All you need to do is show up with your driving horse and your love of driving.
Improve your knowledge and driving skills through member clinics.
Make new friends as you participate in drives, and attend the annual meeting and pot-luck.
Read the newsletter that features lots of interesting stories, ads, and driving tips. You and your horse may even appear in one of the issues!
Volunteer at any of the events held throughout the State.
Bring family and friends to enjoy the sport of carriage driving with you. Family memberships are available.
Memberships available for Junior Members and other Driving clubs as well!
Join Now!
It's simple, convenient and immediate!
Join By Email / Mail
Click on the Download Membership Application and complete.
Email the application to member.flawhips@gmail.com
If paying by PayPal, select your membership type below and click "Buy Now" to pay.
If mailing your application or sending a check, mail to the address on the Application.

$45 Annually

$65 Annually

$100 Annually